VoIP vs traditional phone systems for businesses

June 15, 2021

VoIP vs traditional phone systems for businesses

Are you planning to set up a phone system for your small business? With so many options available, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Two popular options are VoIP and traditional phone systems. In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each system, and provide a factual comparison to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding the Basics

Traditional phone systems use physical wiring and infrastructure to make phone calls. They rely on a local exchange carrier (LEC) that connects business lines to the local phone company for communication. The service is delivered through copper wiring and older technology.

VoIP, on the other hand, uses the internet to make phone calls. Instead of relying on copper wiring, it sends voice data through the internet in the form of packets. This allows for convenient communication at a lower cost.

Cost Comparison

The cost of a traditional phone system can vary widely depending on the size and needs of your business. On average, you can expect to pay around $50-$100 per phone line per month. In addition, there may be installation fees and maintenance costs.

VoIP, on the other hand, can be significantly cheaper. You can expect to pay around $20-$40 per phone line per month, with minimal installation costs.

Keep in mind that VoIP can be more cost-effective when it comes to long-distance and international calls. On traditional phone systems, these types of calls can be quite expensive, while VoIP allows for more affordable communication.


When it comes to reliability, traditional phone systems have a clear advantage. Since they rely on physical infrastructure, they are not as vulnerable to internet connectivity issues. In addition, traditional phone systems can still function in a power outage.

VoIP, on the other hand, may experience connectivity issues if there are problems with your internet connection. This can result in poor call quality or dropped calls. However, many service providers offer backup solutions to prevent this.


VoIP offers many convenient features that may be more difficult to access with a traditional phone system. Some of these features include:

  • Call forwarding
  • Voicemail-to-email transcription
  • Video conferencing
  • Automated attendants
  • Mobile apps for remote communication

While some traditional phone systems may offer similar features, they often come at an additional cost.


Ultimately, the best phone system for your business will depend on your specific needs and budget. Traditional phone systems may be more reliable in some cases, but VoIP offers more cost-effective communication and convenient features. We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision.


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